Acupuncture may be recommended for your pet as a preventative measure or to help treat disease. a form of traditional Chinese medicine, Acupuncture is believed to stimulate the flow of energy that nourishes tissues, stimulates blood flow, and enhances the body's systems.
Acupuncture is performed by inserting thin, smooth, solid needles into the 360 places identified as acupuncture points.... Read more
In China, herbal medicine has been used for over 2000 years to uphold and improve the health of animals and humans alike. Chinese herbal medicine can be used in many different ways to:
Our hospital offers a variety of alternative therapies for your pet--ask your veterinarian if one of these options might be right for your pet. Many plants synethesize biologically active substances and the practice of herbal medicine in pets is based on the use of plants and plant extracts to maintain the health of animals. Herbs are typically classified as Western or Chinese.... Read more
Sometimes your pet may require treatments that may be considered alternative medicine in order to help him or her feel their best. Our hospital offers alternative treatments for our patients, including Acupuncture, and a variety of herbal treatments, including Chinese Herbal medicine.
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