Advanced Care

Stem Cell Therapy

Our hospital is pleased to offer advanced Stem Cell Therapy. Veterinarians must go through a specialized training course and become credentialed before performing this procedure. Stem cell therapy has primarily been used for animals with arthritis, fractures and tendon/ligament injuries and outcomes have been impressive. The procedure involves taking stem cells from a pet's own abdominal fat and then injecting a specially processed suspension several days later into the ailing joint or tissue. Essentially, this allows the tissue to help heal itself. Currently it is reported that 80% of patients undergoing the procedure show some sign of improvement.

Additional studies have demonstrated success in treating systemic disorders such as cerebral (brain) and myocardial (heart muscle) infarction, muscular dystrophy, and immune-mediated conditions. New protocols are being developed constantly so that many pets with a variety of conditions may ultimately benefit from stem cell therapy. Ask our staff or your veterinarian about these procedures for your pet.